What is usability and how it constitutes a part of User Experience is excellently presented in a blog post on Hacker Noon site.
Also Nielsen Norman Group – the body encompassing Jakob Nielsen (one of the pioneer’s behind usability popularization) and Don Norman who coined the term “User Experience” have stated the definition of UX on their website and written on the distinction between usability and UX.
The typical usability issues in a user-centered design environment include:
- Evaluate overall effectiveness and efficiency of the product, and take it as the design goal.
- Evaluate user comfort and satisfaction degree, and take it as the design goal.
- Design the product for making it easy to use, and can evaluate usability issue.
The typical user experience issues in a user-centered design environment include:
- Design and evaluate for what the users do in the process of starting and ending interactivity with the product.
- Maximize the realization of the stimulus, recognition and arouse the emotional resonance.
Check more on this: https://hackernoon.com/the-ultimate-guide-difference-between-usability-and-user-experience-e926c11eac7a